About Me
Welcome to Forest Fathers, where the great outdoors meets the joys of fatherhood. I’m a proud dad, raising two wonderful children amidst the breathtaking beauty of Oregon’s Central Cascades. With over 20 years of experience in the outdoor recreation industry, I’ve turned my passion for nature into a lifestyle and a teaching moment for my kids.
This blog is my canvas, where I paint the picture of my journey as a father deeply rooted in nature. It’s a space where I share the joys, challenges, and unparalleled experiences of raising children with a profound connection to the natural world. Here, you’ll find not just stories, but also practical tips on how to create enriching outdoor experiences that leave a lasting positive impact on your children.
Moreover, I delve into reviews of products and services that have enhanced my outdoor adventures with my kids. These reviews are more than just assessments; they are my recommendations to help fellow fathers maximize their own experiences in nature with their children.
But this blog isn’t just about my journey. It’s a community for fathers who cherish time spent outdoors with their family. I encourage you to share your own stories and insights, as we collectively foster a community of dads dedicated to growing deeper connections with our families through the beauty and lessons of nature.
Join me in this adventure, and let’s inspire each other to make the most of our time in the great outdoors with our kids.
Seo Martinez